Permanent Prescott

Prescott is unimpressed with pencils. Like every ageless child, she has a soft spot for crayons. But her heart belongs to markers.
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If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Prescott is perfect.  From her beautiful and inquisitive green eyes, to her adorable gray toes. She is perfection personified as a cat.  Life has not always been perfect for Prescott. She found her way to Tabby’s Place with her body badly broken and raging […]
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A quiet senior (she was born in mid-March of 2005), our Biscotti is a pretty black-and-white girl. She has a funny white stripe on her nose, as well as a white chin, chest, and tummy. She has white feet, as well; the rest of her coat is, of course, black. She’s of medium size. Biscotti […]
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Part of what sets Tabby’s Place apart from other shelters is our willingness to take in Special Needs cats. Scotty, a large, deep orange tabby male, was found as a stray. We quickly discovered that something was amiss; that “something” turned out to be nasal and gastrointestinal lymphoma. Most shelters simply do not have the […]
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Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: Spa Day

Caring for cats in a sanctuary requires more than just feeding, no matter what the cats may say. Grooming the cats at the Place of all places, that is to say Tabby’s Place, is important for their hygiene and for nourishing connections.
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Reopening ceremonies

I had no reason to be angry with Garth Brooks. We have no reason to be angry with adopters who can’t keep their cats. But reason drops the ball, and love is not a game.
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Unprecedented events

If you want to watch the badminton quarterfinals, you will have to set your alarm for 3am. If you are passionate about pentathlon, you understand your event will not make prime time. But if you are a Tabby’s Place cat, you are too good of a sport to care if you are a popular sport.
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Epilogues: July 2024

Oh July, July, you jellied jamboree! How do you cram so many kittens into thirty-one days, like fireflies in a jar? Where did you buy all this sunshine? (It was not discounted on Amazon Prime Day.) Oh July, July, you paid full price, yet we are the ones rich in sweetness.
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