What we show for the day

Was it a good day? The cayenne stray died. The wary child chose silence. The meaty beast bared some, not all. Was it a good day?
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What if nobody knew your birthday?

What if nobody knew your birthday? Would you never celebrate? Or would you continually celebrate? Would you cease to exist? Or would you exist at ten times your actual size?
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Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: What’s in a Name?

When autumn rolls in, things get cooking. Literally. With the orchards full of apples and a chill in the air, it’s time to bake cakes and make applesauce. It’s also time to get cozy. What better to get cozy than by snuggling with cats? There are two remarkable cats who have made a big splash […]
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What Polly sees

I love Polly. It’s true. I love Polly, and I don’t care who knows. Wait, that’s not quite right. I love Polly, and I want everyone to know, so that you’ll all love her, too.
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What is the Linda Fund?

What is the Linda Fund? The Linda Fund is the friend who shows up with a torch in your darkness, smiling and calming and kind. The Linda Fund is the answer to questions we’re often too scared to ask. The Linda Fund is the triumph of love over despair. The Linda Fund is happening today.
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What helps

You, the radiant creature reading these words, may have any number of hats or titles or vocations or stations. You may be a Dunkin’ Donuts manager. You may be the sultan of Brunei. You may be a grandpop. You may sell yellow legal pads. You may be skimming this on your phone between lunch and […]
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Guest post: You feel what you feel

Recently, while on a dishes and laundry shift, two teenage volunteers were talking about something far beyond me: a group of pop culture icons and something the icons collectively didn’t do, then one of them did or didn’t do something else. I dunno. The important thing is the group experienced some change over time, and […]
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What you cannot lose

You can lose the sight. You can lose the touch. You can lose what you thought was the entirety of your connection. But you cannot lose your anam cara.
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