A beautiful tabico (calico + tabby), Mary Jane is a tiny ball of energy wrapped in a gorgeous coat!
Mary Jane was originally trapped during a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project. At only five and a half months old, however, Mary Jane was still a little one and our team decided that she deserved a chance to let us know if she was interested in the indoor life! Although she is still a bit nervous, Mary Jane is a sweet, playful, affectionate young lady who just needs a bit of patience to blossom.
Mary Jane is looking for an adopter who is willing to go slow with her and give a little extra patience while she opens up. Once you’ve earned her trust, Mary Jane will look for attention and will come and rub up against you to ask for pets. At feeding time, she’ll mew at you to work faster and looks to get some attention while she eats. Offer her some playtime and you’ll see her playful side soar! The indoor life is still very new to this youngster, but all this girl needs is a bit of patience so she can come out of her shell.
Having started her life as a colony cat, Mary Jane is very found of other cats and would appreciate a home with other young, active felines! In her foster home, she is always eager to meet and hangout with the resident cats and finds comfort in having other felines around.
Is Mary Jane the one for you? Consider filling out an adoption application today!